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A person is holding a smartphone displaying a financial trading app. The screen shows a candlestick chart with various trading metrics, including the current price, percentage changes, and buttons for different actions. The person's hands are visible, and a black background accentuates the smartphone screen.
A person is holding a smartphone displaying a financial trading app. The screen shows a candlestick chart with various trading metrics, including the current price, percentage changes, and buttons for different actions. The person's hands are visible, and a black background accentuates the smartphone screen.
A smartphone is placed on a white desk showing a stock trading app with a line graph and financial details. Next to the phone is the keyboard of a laptop, and a white cup is in the top left corner.
A smartphone is placed on a white desk showing a stock trading app with a line graph and financial details. Next to the phone is the keyboard of a laptop, and a white cup is in the top left corner.

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A black tablecloth with the words 'PRODUCT SCHOOL' covers a rectangular table. Stacks of books are neatly arranged on the left side of the table, while several papers with pens are laid out on the right. The backdrop features an industrial-style brick wall, and a plant can be seen to the side of the table.
A black tablecloth with the words 'PRODUCT SCHOOL' covers a rectangular table. Stacks of books are neatly arranged on the left side of the table, while several papers with pens are laid out on the right. The backdrop features an industrial-style brick wall, and a plant can be seen to the side of the table.